Be in control of your own ADVENTURE
VOW Wholesale’s industry-leading half one incentive is back for 2022, and this year, we are putting you in control by providing the flexibility to create your own perfect adventure. With 14 fantastic supporting brands on board, ADVENTURE is back and better than ever.
We have listened to your feedback and want to remove the barrier between you and your dream prize, therefore we will be offering you the chance to win a prize every month of the incentive, worth between £100 and £500, depending on the level of the supporting brand.
During each month of the incentive, a choice of Marriott Bonvoy, Virgin Experience Days and John Lewis & Partners vouchers will be available to win, allowing the lucky winners to travel, experience and indulge with thousands of prizes at their fingertips.
Open to all VOW UK and Ireland resellers, all you have to do to win is drive sales of the supporting brands. The reseller that overachieves their monthly brand target* by the highest percentage will win.
PLUS, our grand prizes are back! For ADVENTURE 2022, as well as the top monthly prize, our platinum sponsors ACCO Brands and Newell Brands are offering a grand prize to the reseller that overachieves their target for that brand over the 6-month incentive period by the highest percentage.
The winners will receive their choice of a Marriott Bonvoy, Virgin Experience Days or John Lewis & Partners voucher at a value of an amazing £4,000, with winners also benefitting from a dedicated concierge service to help them create the perfect prize!
Winning resellers can utilise the prize as they wish, so why not encourage your sales team to drive sales of supporting brands, and if you win, reward your highest performing salesperson with the prize or raffle it off between the entire team?
Supporting brands for VOW ADVENTURE 2022 are ACCO Brands, Newell Brands, Canon Hardware, Fellowes, Henkel, Canon Consumables, Avery, Nescafé, Rapesco, Exaclair, 3M, Kimberly-Clark Brother and BIC.
More information on the incentive, including inspiration on how to spend your prize, can be found on our bespoke incentive website, Here you can also view your incentive targets and progress, as well as key information on the supporting brands to help you drive sales.
VOW Wholesale resellers can also learn more about supporting brands by utilising the VOW Hub learning platform. This valuable sales tool can help resellers drive sales by providing key product and brand information. Sign up today via
If you would like more information about this incentive, please get in touch with your VOW Wholesale account contact.
*Minimum targets will be set.