Click here to download our CSR brochure

Our Environment

Our Environment

Our Supply Chain

Our Supply Chain

Our Communities

Our Communities

Our People

Our People

Our Environment

Our Environment

Our Supply Chain

Our Supply Chain

Our Communities

Our Communities

Our People

Our People

Inspired to improve. Focused on change.

Adrian Butler

Adrian Butler

VOW Wholesale
Managing Director

This Corporate Responsibility Framework represents an important step forward for VOW Wholesale. We are focused on continuing our leadership of the market. Yes, we will be driving evolution, not revolution, but the changes we make will be wholesale and the benefits we deliver will be meaningful. This is more than just doing the right thing; it is about changing our culture and ensuring we have significant positive impacts upon all of our stakeholders.

Find out more about our 4 Evolution Pillars below


Our Environment

Discussions about how to better protect the natural environment have moved up higher on the public agenda in recent months, but this issue has long been on VOW Wholesale’s radar.

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Our Supply Chain

VOW Wholesale’s approach to supply chain management goes above and beyond the requirement of our ISO accreditation and represents commitment to continually review our entire supply chain.

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Our Communities

VOW Wholesale is committed to an active and inclusive engagement with our local communities. We work both locally and with the wider purpose of helping those less fortunate than ourselves.

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Our People

VOW Wholesale recognises that our business will only create value if we have engaged, healthy colleagues working in good quality environments with access to appropriate levels of training and development.

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